Fish and chips, here’s the recipe: make it at home!


Recreate the perfect fish and chips at home: here’s the recipe!

Olio Farchioni
5 from 3 votes
This great classic of British cuisine is appreciated by adults and children alike. The secret of this recipe lies in the cook’s frying technique.
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine English
Servings 4 people
Calories 350 kcal


  • 600 gr Yellow potatoes
  • 4 Royal Perch Fillets
  • 150 gr Flour
  • 1 liter Olive oil
  • 1 bottle White beer
  • to taste Salt



  • Carefully peel the potatoes and try to obtain a smooth surface.
  • Cut them in half vertically and then into 1.5 mm-thick slices.
  • Heat the olive oil in a large pan.
  • Place the potato slices in the pan without superposing them if you want them to fry evenly.
  • Fry them at 150 °, until they are golden and crunchy.
  • Then turn them over to check the other side.
  • Remove from heat with tongs or with a slotted spoon and let them drain on kitchen paper for about 10 minutes.


  • Mix the flour in a bowl for about 2 minutes.
  • Add cold beer from the refrigerator.
  • Whisk the mixture for about 3/4 minutes, until the batter is smooth.
  • Immediately dip the perch fillets into the batter without superposing them.
  • Drain the excess batter.
  • Carefully lower each fillet into the hot oil. (160°)
  • Turn the fillets from time to time.
  • When the batter is crisp and golden, remove the fillets from the oil and dry them on kitchen paper.
  • Place the chips next to the fish fillets, salt and serve hot.


This great classic of British cuisine is appreciated by adults and children alike. The secret of this recipe lies in the cook’s frying technique. Let’s find out together how to best use the two essential elements needed to obtain perfect fish and chips: oil and batter

  1. Beer for the batter

In this recipe the quality of batter is essential. Our advice is to use beer. The carbon dioxide in its bubbles will make the batter extra light and the food super fragrant.

In our batter, we combine the Farchioni soft wheat flour with the Special White Beer of Mastri Birrai Umbri, a high fermentation craft beer brewed from wheat malt and selected hops. Its flavor is delicate and soft, ideal for giving an extra touch of taste to the fish and chips.

  1. The beer should be extra cold

To become crisp and delicious, the batter needs an actual “thermal shock”. When the batter-coated fish fillets are placed in hot oil, the ice-cold batter will instantly form a delicious crust on the surface of the fish and lock the oil out, leaving the fish crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

  1. The olive oil should be very hot

We recommend using olive oil to fry the fish and chips. Olive oil has a high smoke point which allows it to withstand very high temperatures without releasing any toxic substances. We used Olio d’Oliva Farchioni, which is ideal for frying due to its gentle flavor and its light and fruity taste.

Remember that in order to obtain the thermal shock we are seeking, the oil should be very hot, around 150 ° -160 ° C. If you don’t have a suitable thermometer, you can check the temperature in two different ways:

  • Before frying the chips, dip a wooden toothpick in the oil: if its surface becomes  covered with bubbles the oil is ready.

  • Before frying the fish fillets, drop a blob of batter in the oil: if it sizzles and immediately returns to the surface, the temperature is right.

  1. Use a large pan and plenty of oil

The fish and chips need space when frying: use a large pan, with high sides, possibly made of iron, which is an excellent conductor of heat. Do not fry too many pieces at the same time if you want both the fries and the fish to turn golden on all sides.

Moreover, if you fill the pan too much the oil temperature will drop. 

  1. Don’t lose sight of your pan

Your fish and chips will be ready when golden on the outside and tender on the inside. Never leave the fish and chips to themselves after placing them in the pan. You are supposed to check them and turn them over several times: when they have taken on a nice golden color they are ready to be placed to drain on kitchen paper. Leave them uncovered after draining, otherwise you will lose all the crispness!

Now you know all the secrets and we can leave you to our recipe. Buon appetito!

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